During my young career at Juno Lighting I had the distinct privelege of working with and reporting into Eric. Eric's management style and superior leadership skills made it a joy to work at Juno Lighting. I quickly learned that Eric leads by example. Making sales calls with Eric were a true learning experience and reporting into Eric have served my career well. I have great respect for Eric and consider him a friend and the type of professional that I would not hesitate to call for advice. Al Bermudez, Lighting Specialist, Pollart Electrical Sales

Eric is not only one of the most professional sales managers I have worked with, but he is a gentleman. My father once said, that you can't teach certain characteristics such as: kindness, gentleness, enthusiam and integrity to name a few. Eric encompasses all of these qualities and much more. So proud work with you again Eric....Jon McMahan, Owner, KTR Associates

Eric was definitely one of the driving forces behind some of Sea Gull Lighting's most innovative products. His industry knowledge, inquisitive nature, attention to detail and artistic flare inspired those around him to aim high. He demands high performance but is still approachable with questions or concerns. He understands supply chain management, market trends and what the consumer wants. Eric was one of my favorite managers at Sea Gull Lighting for all of the positive qualities he brought to every situation. Melanie Pahl, US Reservations Manager

Eric is a leader that can quickly gain the respect and support of the team that reports to him. He is strategic but well grounded in the marketplace. I respect his knowledge and wisdom. Jimalee Dakin Beno, VP Lighting Strategy, LeGrand

I worked with Eric for four years.
Eric is a team orientented achiever and is an asset to any organization. He is leader and a positive influence on all around him. Eric is effective in many capacities. Ever the product expert, he excels in product training and presentation. Eric teaches and and presents product in a fashion that lends itself to positive sales, confidence and growth. It would be a challenge to find anyone more effective than him in this role. Karl Zartarian, Barron Lighting

If I were asked to describe Eric and Pathfinders Consulting team in one word, what would that be?-RELATIONHIPS . Eric has continued to grow and spead his vast experiance to establish new relationships. Since we worked together at Sea Gull Lighting and then again recently, on a special project. I had the great opportunity to observe how Pathfinders can help influence , direct and guide a company. I look forward to other opportunites to work with Eric. Neil Graves, Owner, Tri State Sales & Service